We understand the fact that you could have critical data on your virtual or dedicated web server, and for this reason we offer an optional backup upgrade which you will be able to add whenever you want. While shared web hosting servers are backed up on a regular basis by all hosting companies, this is not so for standalone servers, so unless you keep a copy of your files on your laptop or computer, you risk losing critical information in case something goes wrong - deleting something unintentionally or updating a script-driven application unsuccessfully, as an illustration. With our additional service, we'll make a backup of your data on a different hosting server as to make perfectly sure that we'll have a good copy at all times and that we are able to restore everything the way it was before the issue turned up. The optional upgrade will allow you to manage your content without needing to worry about possible breakdowns of any sort.

Weekly Backup in Dedicated Web Hosting

If you obtain one of our Linux dedicated web hosting and you determine that you require a backup of your content, you can include this service with a few mouse clicks and our system shall start keeping copies every week straight away. You could obtain the upgrade together with the server or at some point after via your billing Control Panel in the event that you do not need backups from the start. The service shall give you fifty gb of disk space on an independent machine and this content could be restored on our end. Though we test the components and the software before we hand over any new dedicated server, you may never know if some update will not crash, so in case you have crucial information on the machine, you'll be better off with this upgrade. Backups are also offered with the Managed Services upgrade, which includes loads of other useful administration tasks that we provide to our customers.