24x7 Support

Night–and–day customer assist

Our team of professional techs is online twenty–four–seven for just about any questions that you could possibly have about our Linux semi-dedicated hosting. Regardless of whether you need suggestions or have a critical matter to address, we’re here to assist you. You may write to us through e–mail or by way of the ticket platform. A 60–minute answer is warranted. You also can phone us on the phone or take advantage of the real–time chat service during business hours.

24x7 Support

Free Dedicated IP

Free dedicated IP address for your machine

A dedicated IP is listed totally free with the semi-dedicated 2 bundle. You will be able to utilize it as soon as you get access to the Web Site Control Panel. With a dedicated IP address, you will be able to improve the uniqueness of your web site, to quickly setup an SSL certificate for your website, and even configure your own personal name servers that will resolve to your very own IP address.

And additionally, if at any time you want an additional dedicated IP address, you are able to get it at a promotional price right from your Web Site Control Panel.

Free Dedicated IP

SSH Access

Completely free SSH access for your server

To help you work straight with your server, without needing to work with the Web Site Control Panel, we include SSH access with your Linux semi-dedicated server. With this functionality, you are able to easily interact with your files, databases and domain names using your terminal. Nonetheless, since you will share the machine with a few other people, there’ll be no option for you to modify the server’s setup.

SSH access is included as an addon service with the smaller package, and as a cost free extra with the bigger setup.

SSH Access

Web Stats

Detailed statistics included into the Web Site Control Panel

Detailed details about who comes to visit your website and exactly when can be found in the Stats Manager section of your Web Applications Installer. You can easily see where your site traffic originates from, precisely what key words individuals make use of to locate your web site, and so on. You could take advantage of AWStats, Webalizer and our custom web analytics software to get all the information associated with your site introduced in an easy–to–read style.

Web Stats

  • Semi Dedicated 2

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  • Service guarantees

  • Our Linux semi-dedicated hosting are installed for you at no cost. 99.9% uptime guarantee. SSH access rights. 100–percent–free Control Panel included.
  • Compare our prices

  • Do a comparison of the Linux semi-dedicated hosting and see which setup will provide you with the resources and attributes you need to take care of your developing sites.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • Get in touch with us at any time by email or by using the extra–fast ticketing platform. We’re going to reply within just 60 minutes.